But believe us, it will serve you well to start spending time summarizing who you are as an artist.
In this year’s Call for Student Art, we’re asking you to submit a concise student-artist bio. The purpose is two-fold: for you and for the young students we serve.
An artist bio is a cornerstone piece of writing for your portfolio. A good artist bio will inspire collectors in years to come. See examples from cARTie Board Members Holly Hawthorn (here), Beth Nori (here), and Alexis Vondran (here).
Getting to know who you are, and how you use the arts to live a more full, vibrant life, is motivating for the young students we serve – most of whom have limited access to the arts in their early education.
Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to artists aboard our Leadership Team for personalized coaching. We are here to support YOU!
Your donation will help us bring art and museum education to more students across Connecticut.
And learn about upcoming events, artist calls, and more ways you can get involved.