Tips for writing a stellar student-artist bio when submitting to cARTie's Call for Art.

We get it! Writing about yourself can be difficult. Daunting. And downright uncomfortable.

But believe us, it will serve you well to start spending time summarizing who you are as an artist.

In this year’s Call for Student Art, we’re asking you to submit a concise student-artist bio. The purpose is two-fold: for you and for the young students we serve.

For you:

An artist bio is a cornerstone piece of writing for your portfolio. A good artist bio will inspire collectors in years to come. See examples from cARTie Board Members Holly Hawthorn (here), Beth Nori (here), and Alexis Vondran (here).

For the young students we serve:

Getting to know who you are, and how you use the arts to live a more full, vibrant life, is motivating for the young students we serve – most of whom have limited access to the arts in their early education.

Here are some tips for writing a stellar artist bio:

  1. Lead with a creative hook. Think outside the box to capture our attention from the start.
  2. Include biographic information. We want to know where you grew up, when you were born, what your life has been like, and any/all other biographic information you feel comfortable sharing. This helps tell the story of you – as an individual and an artist.
  3. Think about themes. See if you can thematize your work. Are there overarching kinds of subjects and issues you seem to focus on in your artistic practice? Emphasize those!
  4. Don't forget about media, techniques, and style. We want to know what makes your practice yours. Give examples.
  5. Try to pack a punch in 100 words or less. Use simple language and concise framing. You don't want your reader to lose interest or struggle to understand what you are trying to say.
  6. End with a quote. Leave us with something to continue pondering. Something you’d like to be quoted saying about your art.

Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to artists aboard our Leadership Team for personalized coaching. We are here to support YOU!

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